Monday, October 17, 2011

Menu Plan Monday ~ 10/17

So I've already started cooking today, read about my accident prone self and my horrible/funny experience here.

I've been doing so good with my menu plans, after about a month of writing them out I have finally got the hang of it! Yay me, I think I deserve a pat on the back!

I'll be linking up my menu with hundreds of others over at I love to look at what other people are going to have for dinner to get some new ideas! 

Monday: Crockpot Roast with mashed potatoes

Tuesday: Taco Salad

Wednesday: Beef tips with gravy

Thursday: Frozen Pizza (it's soccer practice night so I get to cheat)

Friday: Bacon Hot Sauce burgers

*Go check out all the other menu plans at Menu Plan Monday!

1 comment:

  1. *Gives you a hearty pat on the back* Yay You!!
